Saturday, December 19, 2009

so, you like the melvins ... ?

... then you'll prob like these two albums by core of the earth

"HEAVY is the best adjective to use…"

They are heavy. Heavy as fuck. Somewhat metal, somewhat doom, and very Melvins heavy as fuck, to be exact. ....definitely in (Melvins) Stoner Witch/YOB/Electric Wizard territory. It's not a bad place to be, even if the sound is familiar. Besides, it's all in the execution, something that Core of the Earth do well. ... tribal drumming and pummeling guitar ... slower crunch, sounding like a sort of doom-boogie .... Loadstone is the album the Melvins never released.

.... home-grown sonic thunder-crushing crust rock..... heavy rock in the vein of the Melvins ...... they employ numerous examples of hefty basslines and forcefully penetrative percussive strikes as they construct their weighty sound from the groundlevel upwards. .... an album steeped in truly gargantuan sounds, the band utilizes two main approaches to pummel their material into the listener. On the one hand there is their slothful, primitive, repetitious manner that brings to mind the likes of Sleep and Electric Wizard, while at other times the group exaggerate the tempo as they move into the chugging stoner rock territories of Kyuss and Orange Goblin. ..... their multitasking drummers' words are outputted with a gravelly, atonal feel to them which coalesces effectively with the rest of the material. .... the band assert their presence unrelentingly...... heavy as hell. Heavy as in a storm of lead hailing from the sky. These three form Colorado really know how to rock.

... lava flow of sludgy tempos and iron-alloyed guitar.... (like) a viscous and vitriolic compound of the Melvins, Saint Vitus and vintage Black Sabbath. Lodged somewhere between rock-and-roll fantasy and technical ecstasy, Loadstone points the way toward the hidden essence of hard rock, punk and the subterranean grinding of science against magic.



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