Here's a wheel barrel-load of low-end insanity from these screamo-inspired youngsters from the Midwest. Like Lightning Bolt, Organz only make use of bass and vocals, but they up the ante on that critically lauded band by employing no less than three four-string-pounders, giving them two more net strings than your average three-piece rock band.
Honestly, if I hadn't taken the time to read up on Organz I never would have realized that they had no guitarist; the three bass players make use of varied enough techniques that the band sound extremely full. At any given time there seems to be one bass player holding down the rhythm in standard bass player fashion, one bass player playing some kind of "lead" that might have worked equally as well as a six-string guitar part and one bass player making crazy ambient noises that add to the general atmosphere.
This is a pretty gross generalization, though, as Organz are capable of making their instruments sound like everything from Masters of Reality-era Black Sabbath to Darkest Hour and with surprising song structures that incorporate everything from death metal to post-punk this record won't be boring you anytime soon. A keeper for sure. -Deep Fry Bonanza
organz - the cuts!
New T.G. Olson album "The Rough Embrace" out now
10 years ago
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