Sunday, March 28, 2010

deconstructing girth

Enlisting the shredding powers of Mark and Blaine from the infamously epic Swarming Hordes, Dave and Peijman (also drummer with Secret Chiefs 3) the core and principle directors of GIRTH make a triumphant return to METAL!, in this last of their incarnations.

With endlessly morphing riffage to feast on, listeners should take heed of this overwhelmingly energetic itinerary that may feel like you are licking your finger into the nuclear plant’s electrical socket- and keeping it in there for the whole duration of the album! Analytic attempts in this maelstrom of organized chaos is futile, just let the waves of riffs wax and wane over you, purifying any stagnation with restless exploration and unwavering intention.

GIRTH embraces a highly refined metal aesthetic here, transcending math, thrash, death, black, power, classic, and other heavy metal genres arriving at a sonic heaven completely their own. As if stripping away all unnecessary elements in heavy music, GIRTH attempts to expose the essence of power and grandiosity and milk it with a libido who’s thirst overfloweth.

Top-notch production from Seattle’s most in demand and progressive recording team Randall Dunn and Mell Dettmer, makes every detail of this hysteria blissfully audible. Huge drum sounds and rhythms bite your ears so hard they force their way into your conscious, then subconscious, then extra-conscious self. Guitars blaze out from all angles, relentlessly layering harmonies, melodies, and rhythms, painting a maze and puzzle for you to decode through epic-ness.

For those who witnessed this third and final exalted manifestation of GIRTH live in 2006 in Seattle, this is beyond memorabilia.

For those who missed out, listen and weep…. maybe next time you will be awake enough to have your ears to the grindstone.


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