Saturday, March 6, 2010

illogo - when liquids stay dry

experimental / post-metal / eclectic brutal core / avant-garde / black metal

Illogo is in fact not really the name of the band that recorded this record. This Italian post-metal/post-core band seems to be quite bent on not having any name at all! (in fact there is no band name or even album title anywhere on the sleeve or disc). Illogo is merely a substitute, apparently. Now then, you'd expect a band that doesn't even want to have a name to be terribly non-conformist, right?

Think Today Is The Day; however, Illogo is clearly not about shocking the bejeezus out of you and instead about intelligent, slow progressions, which makes the experience simply unpleasant. While indisputably heavy and extreme as hell, Illogo is nevertheless more about pained, yet contrived expression of emotion, immediately similar to last year's Home by Versus The Mirror. Now, this is the sort of production you should have aimed for, Illogo!

It is a downright bizarre record at times, as close as one can get to the term avant-garde without embodying it. Imagine what a very emotionally distressed chain saw would sound like, and the band gets surprisingly close to imitating this sound. There is strength in their convictions, and passion in the delivery.

autobio from cdbaby:

At the beginning we presented the peculiar elements of a death metal band also influenced by grind and black metal. Over the year, the simple fact of being affected in a positive way from the world wide music tendencies, which continually develops, and the wiliness of personalizing our music path besides the need of new solutions and cues, carried out the idea of mixing different music materials without being worried to guarantee any kind of continuity (which may be offered only by the use of the voice). This way of composing music has brought a revisiting of the standard models on which laid our music even with the insertion of rock and electronic elements.

Our texts do not follow a login patterns intended as a necessary element, but those texts are written d'istinto and with improvvisation. Just after that process, sometimes, we think and reflect to what do they mean, and how they can be interpreted taking into account who is the listener and his /her feeling. We use both italian and english but we prefer the former because is our mother tounge and it has the potential that english do not offer.

We are influenced by: uzeda, neurosis, meshuggah, fennez, tool, don caballero,shellac, suffocation, isis, nasum, godspeedyoublackemperor, cannibal corpse, ulan bator, pansonic, DHG, laddio bolocko, thorns, steve coleman, einsturzende neubauten, information, brutal truth and much more.

when liquids stay dry

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